Friday, May 25, 2007


We didn't even leave the boat in Daytona on Tuesday night...cooked on board and read up on the next few stops of our journey. Decided on where to stay in Fernandina Beach, Jekyll Island and Savannah. I'm into another book...I am reading my 3rd since leaving Naples: The Secret Keeper's Daughter, Mrs. Miracle and now, The Shipping News...

Thought it might be interesting to share a typical day with you...
The alarm goes off at 5 AM (usually I hit the snooze at least once). Chip is first up and hits the coffee pot (pre-made the night before) and turns on the computer. While he checks the oil, tides, weather, etc...I am now up checking charts and navigation for the day. Both dressed (we never think about what to wear), bed made, breakfast over, dishes done, office email checked and answered, check radios, disconnect from dock electric, start engines, ready, set...MP is the line tender...all fenders in...go! Chip does 99% of the driving...we share the radio task 50/50 (I like talking on the radio)...He keeps the outside clean, I keep the inside clean (including laundry in our very own washer/dryer under the takes 3 hours to do a normal load start to finish) no kidding! We eat dinner on board every other night or so, but always breakfast and lunch...I'm a little sick of granola bars & peanutbutter sandwiches at the moment. We've got a rhythm going when it comes to pulling into port at the end of the day, too...I radio ahead and get dock info then get all the lines and fenders ready depending on port or starboard docking...Chip is becoming masterful at docking in the wind with currents...Once we are secure we hook up to power, adjust lines, hose the salt off Ithaka...check emails from work...have a beer...Things vary day to day, but mostly we are happy and relaxed. Today we saw hawks, pink spoonbills, manatees, rays, marshlands, shell mounds and so much more. Adjusting to life on a 40' trawler. Simplicity.

Arrived in St Augustine Wednesday late...long day...still no electronics.
Spent all day Thursday being tourists. Went on the trolly tour. Saw the "Oldest House" & the "Oldest School". Went to the site of the first Catholic Mass in the new world: Nombre de Dios; America's First Mission. Retraced the steps of those who walked here over 400 years ago. We took the self guided tour of Castillo de San Marcos. Chip and I are both history nuts, so this was a really good day! Went to the A1A brewery and I had a Summer Wheat Ale. Dinner last night at O.C.'s was great and cheap with a wonderful guitar player who was lost in the 70's! Loved it! We will come back to St Augustine again someday by car...have to drive over the Lion's Bridge once it is completely renovated!

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."
~St. Augustine

1 comment:

Work in Progress said...

St. Augustine is a quaint and lovely town. We were just up there last month for my friends' wedding. It was a lot of fun and definitely worth another visit. Have a wonderful Memorial Day! Watch out for irresponsible boaters. **boo hiss** ;-D (Had to make a new account. **another boo hiss**)