Sunday, June 3, 2007

Met Barry in Beaufort

8:00 AM Post: Left Savannah early, cruised through a rainstorm and pulled into Beaufort (pronounced bew, like beau-tiful) just in time to tie Ithaka up good and tight and sit out Tropical Storm Barry...a gentle reminder that it is Hurricane season! We ate ice cream for dinner...did a little laundry, watched a movie, The Aviator and by midnight the 35-40 mph winds had passed and we were able to sleep well. I think we will probably sit tight today, do a little bit of exploring in the rain then head out to Charleston tomorrow.

4:00 PM Post: The rain stopped so we ventured out. We strolled through the downtown area visiting shoppes and galleries and taking photos of beautiful old homes, sailboats anchored in the ICW and mermaids! Beaufort has Mermaid sculptures placed around town; similar to the cows in Chicago, the dolphins in Key West and the alligators in Naples.

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