Thursday, May 22, 2008

Count down!

A year ago, right about now, we had rounded the Florida peninsula and were heading up the east coast...well on our way into the 1st leg of the journey of "Discovering Ithaka". Currently we are making a list and getting things done preparing to leave for the 2nd leg of this trip. I can't believe we are a month away from setting out into the horizon on this adventure of a lifetime!

We got a call the other day from the marina in Brewerton New York where Ithaka spent the winter...they had taken Ithaka out of storage and put her in the water thinking we would be there mid-May. We told them last year that we were probably going to be the first boat in (before Labor Day) and the last boat out (after Memorial Day), but somehow something got lost in the translation when Chip spoke to them the last time...He told them to expect us in mid to late June BUT they circled mid-May in their calendar. Imagine their surprise when they called to find out where we were! So, back she went, up on her shelf...If that boat had a spirit I'm sure she would have felt the disappointment. I know I did...and it made me more ready for the trip than I had been and the reality of it being so near became more real, too.

Anyway, I am going to attempt to remember how to upload photos now onto the blog so you can see Ithaka getting pulled out of the water last summer. It's amazing how big she is when she's not floating! I will start blogging again from this point on, getting back into the rhythm of keeping our adventures online for you all to enjoy...hopeful that our aircard works in the remote areas of Georgian Bay. The response to my blog has been overwhelming. I am so happy so many people; loved ones and even perfect strangers, have commented on how much they looked forward to my entries. Thank you very much. Please feel free to add comments on the blog itself!

Let the count down to the 2nd leg of discovering Ithaka begin ...
"Travel is not a reward for working, it's an education for living."
~Gap advertisement

1 comment:

bruce said...

Hay to the captain and my cuzz!

So your off to see the Wizard,

I will be looking forward to your advenchers this summer, you are going to have the best whether I just know it, love you two, be safe and some good luck is in order
for all of us,