On January 4th, 2010 at 4:32 pm, the Ithaka crossed her wake in Gordon Pass, Naples Florida,
officially closing the circle on one of the greatest adventures of a lifetime. It took us nearly 3 years overall to cruise the 6,777 miles.
Everyone is asking us..."What has been the best part of the loop?" There is no 'best part', but rather hundreds and thousands of wonderful experiences all coming together to become one unbelievable adventure that we can't wait to do again!

*Photo of my very happy captain as we crossed our wake!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by those you did. So, throw off those bowlines...away from safe harbors...Explore. Dream. Discover." ~Mark Twain
officially closing the circle on one of the greatest adventures of a lifetime. It took us nearly 3 years overall to cruise the 6,777 miles.
Everyone is asking us..."What has been the best part of the loop?" There is no 'best part', but rather hundreds and thousands of wonderful experiences all coming together to become one unbelievable adventure that we can't wait to do again!
*Photo of my very happy captain as we crossed our wake!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by those you did. So, throw off those bowlines...away from safe harbors...Explore. Dream. Discover." ~Mark Twain
Chip and Michelle - again congratulations and kudos on a great site to help share this cruise. I feel this is an excellent way to plant the seeds of the "travel bug" that may grow in young people. For me it brings to mind Mr. Buffett's lyrics: "and Jimmy there's still so much to be done - why don't we wander and follow La Vie Dansante"...'The Dancing Life.'
Gary Wright
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